How to use graphpad prism for real time pcr
How to use graphpad prism for real time pcr

how to use graphpad prism for real time pcr how to use graphpad prism for real time pcr

The AzuraQuant™ Probe Fast qPCR Mix is a ready-to-use 2x master mix for use in real-time quantitative PCR assays and has been formulated for probe-detection technology, including TaqMan®, Scorpions® and molecular beacon probes. The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix requires little if any optimization and can be used to quantify any DNA templates including cDNA, genomic DNA, and low copy viral targets. The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix contains Azura HS Taq DNA Polymerase, an optimized buffer chemistry, and a proprietary DNA-binding dye providing robust real-time PCR with earlier quantification cycle values (Ct) and broad range detection for increased sensitivity, speed, reliability and reproducibility.

how to use graphpad prism for real time pcr

The system contains Vivid-Green™ dye, a novel fluorescent DNA-binding dye which produces minimal PCR inhibition and greater fluorescence upon binding to double stranded DNA than SYBR® Green. Real time PCR primer enzymes: The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix is a ready-to-use 2x master mix for use in real-time quantitative PCR assays in which intercalating dye-based detection provides the option of a post amplification melt profile. AzuraQuant™ Green and Probe Fast qPCR Master Mixes for real time PCR

How to use graphpad prism for real time pcr